Editorial ...

Preparing my Manuscripts for Their Lordships Request and Out of Time to be converted into eBook format has proved interesting to say the least. First of all I had to go through all the Galley Proofs for the printed versions to find all the corrections I had made and which editors suggested as they were prepared for printing. Then, having done that, they had to be tidied up - Out of Time was originally written in Word 98 - as the small difference between various versions of Word don't always swop the formatting correctly.

At least they are now with the ePublisher and I am expecting to get a few more corrections and cosmetic changes when I get their proofs back. The third Harry Heron, The Enemy Is Within! is already available as an eBook through Xlibris, though this is an Adobe format.

In the meantime I'm going through the MS for the fourth Harry Heron book, On The Run, which is to be printed by Abbot Press and will appear, hopefully, in about four months time. Abbot Press will produce it as Paper Back, Hard Back and eBook so all you Kindle and other eReader users will, I hope, pick it up and give Harry and his friends a try. This and the first two books in the series will be available in all the current formats for eReaders.

Meanwhile, back to editing and correcting ...

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