Another step forward ...

The publisher has sent the Galley Proofs for "On the Run; A Harry Heron Adventure" and I have sent these on to my editor. As ever, the deadlines are tight, especially if I want to get the book out in time for Christmas.

I'm intrigued by the pricing though. Abbott have come up with prices of US$22.95 for the paper back, US$37.95 for the Hard Back and US$3.95 for the e-book versions. I think this needs a little discussion and negotiation perhaps, since I can't see how the hard copy versions can attract sales at these prices. They claim the price is based on page numbers, but another publisher I use has a much lower price than this for another book with a slightly longer page count.

This seems to be a case of - Hmmm, perhaps this needs to be carefully discussed.

OK, pricing aside, the Galleys have arrived and I must say, so far look as if they have been created by someone who took the time and effort necessary to get them right. I have had, on a previous occasion and with a different publisher, a real problem with formatting, something I have seen recently discussed at some length on another site I belong to. Word, in its various iterations, has a rather annoying habit of adding or removing formatting when a document is transferred from one document to another. This can play havoc with the transfer of a Word file into a publishing format.

As I said, I've some experience of that in an earlier book. I can't see anything in these proofs to indicate the same problem so I must conclude that Abbott have taken time and trouble to sort it properly. Right! Back to proof reading, not my favourite occupation so I will rely on my editor to see what I miss.

What would we do without editors? 

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