Exciting News ...

Their Lordships Request and Out of Time will soon be available as eBooks from ePublishing for Success, specialising in eBook publication. It also means that anyone with a Kindle, iPad, iPod or any of the other eBook reader devices will be able to purchase them direct and download to their reader. The third in the series, The Enemy is Within!, is already available direct from Xlibris in an Adobe Reader format and is moving nicely from their site.

I've been exploring this for some time and hope this will be successful. Obviously getting the word out and promoting them will be an essential task, but hopefully a fun one.

More good news is that Abbot Press, a Division of Writer's Digest, want to publish the fourth 'Harry Heron' story, On the Run. I'm currently discussing this with them and look forward to being able to make an announcement about it in the not too distant future.

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