Marketing, writing and development ...

Writing the story is, as most authors will tell you, the fun part, the hard part is selling it. Juggling the various things is sometimes demanding and a little tricky to say the least. Especially when the author is trying to be the marketing man, develop the story he's currently writing and mange the process of getting a book through the publishing process. So it is with a little relief that I can say I've received the final versions of the marketing "trailers" for my first four Harry Heron books. The fifth is now close to 60,000 words and about two thirds complete. 

Between trying to chase the marketing, research things for the current story, develop the plot and write it - I haven't been giving as much time to this or my other blog as I should. 

In the meantime, please do feel free to visit the Trailers by following the links below - 

Their Lordships Request ...

Out of Time 

The Enemy is Within!

On the Run

They have all been created by Apex Reviews and I have to say they have done an excellent job.

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